Received: 20th October 2023; Revised: 02nd January 2024; Accepted: 08th January 2024
Professional Learning Community, Management, Leadership, Innovation, PLCAbstract
This research examined the outcomes of implementing professional learning community (PLC) at an international school in the UAE, focusing on affective management. Exploration examining affective impacts is suited for a school as they are social environments with emotions impacting interactions and outcomes. A literature review on affective management is used to develop criteria for PLCs. Teacher recollection and school documents were used to evidence the PLC and compare to the model. Affective management of change is important in innovation because emotion influences teacher responses and outcomes. Implementation of innovations can contribute to feelings of vulnerability, discomfort and anxiety. Distributed leadership provides an opportunity for successful innovations but can result in conflict and resistance. Success is based on the shared goals of managers and subordinates. The establishment of the PLC was unsuccessful as there was no articulation of goals and lack of consistency in practice, which ultimately undermined teachers’ identities. Consequently, the requirements for affective containment were not in place and mangers and teachers conflicted with each other. Ineffective management led to teachers using emotional capacity to withstand stresses rather than forming a functional PLC. However, failure may also have resulted from anxiety stemming from the context of the school.
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