Received: 16th November 2023; Revised: 08th January 2024; Accepted: 08th February 2024


  • Imroatul Hasanah Faculty of Arts and Society, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia


Teacher Educators’ Perceptions, Mobile Apps, English Learning, Secondary Education


Mobile apps have gained significant popularity due to their myriad advantages, rendering them valuable educational tools. In Indonesia, English is a mandatory subject in secondary education, which refers to both junior and senior high schools. The research explores teacher educators' perspectives at the State Islamic Institute of Kediri regarding using mobile apps for English learning in Indonesian secondary education. With English being mandatory in secondary schools, teacher educators play a crucial role in preparing teacher candidates for the challenges of the modern era. Through semi-structured interviews with eight teacher educators and using thematic analysis, the research reveals varied perceptions: three teacher educators express positive views on the contribution of mobile apps, three hold negative perceptions suggesting potential disruptions to student focus, and two remain neutral. These differences are due to teaching experience, app usage, exploration experiences, app variety, school settings, and the success of teacher candidates during internships. The findings provide insights for academics, educators, and policymakers, offering a foundation for future research in different settings and exploring the impact of teacher educators' perceptions on English teachers' practices.


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How to Cite

Hasanah, I. (2024). TEACHER EDUCATORS’ PERCEPTIONS OF UTILIZING MOBILE APPS FOR ENGLISH LEARNING IN SECONDARY EDUCATION: Received: 16th November 2023; Revised: 08th January 2024; Accepted: 08th February 2024. Docens Series in Education, 6, 84–111. Retrieved from http://www.docensjournal.org/index.php/docens/article/view/42